It take effort and strength to say no to someone or something. But the rewards are truly remarkable for those who can say no. You only have so much time in each day. Saying no to the average or even … Continue Reading

You Have The Power To Say No
You have the power inside you to change your life. The moment you adopt the belief that you’re a victim is the moment you’ve relinquished absolute control over your life. Do you want to regain back control over your life? … Continue Reading

Gandhi’s Advice on Saying No
Anti-War activist and independence leader Mahatma Gandhi knew how to say no. He was a master of simple living. You could say he created the “less is more” movement decades before it gained any prominence. He worn plain clothes, enjoyed … Continue Reading

It’s Ok To Say No
No matter how hard you try you can’t do everything. Yes you can do anything, just not everything. Love yourself enough to set limits and boundaries. You are allowed to put yourself first. Respect yourself enough to find the courage … Continue Reading

Life Is Too Short To Wait
What are you waiting for, exactly? A sign from God? The stars to align while the moon is eclipsing? A unicorn to show up in your backyard? I have news for those procrastinators waiting for just the right time, it’s … Continue Reading

Don’t Let Doubt Derail Your Recovery
Doubt is like a poison that’s seeps into your life. It whispers in your ear your not good enough or you’ll never recover. It gets under your skin. It sneaks up on you when you least expect it. Its a … Continue Reading

Recovery Is The Bridge Between Who You Were And Who You Are
Beating any addiction requires a lifestyle change. Some addictions need a complete lifestyle makeover. While others involve less radical actions. Both entail taking a journey and crossing a divide between who you were and what you will become. You need … Continue Reading
How To Be Happy This Memorial Day
The Declaration of Independence gave us the right to pursue happiness. Today is the day we remember the people who died while serving in the armed forces. Those same individuals fought and died for our freedom so we may all … Continue Reading

Quit Complaining – Quit Whining – Bad Habit #5
When you complain you actually can make things worse. Your mind affects your mouth and vice versa. You attract what you speak. Speak nothing but problems and you’ll get more problems. It’s ok to take a moment or two to … Continue Reading
Recovery Is Active Not Passive
Things will not magically get better. Your habit or addiction won’t just go away. And while I believe in miracles its not the best recovery strategy. You can overcome any addiction. You can break the chains of any habit. It … Continue Reading