You have the power inside you to change your life. The moment you adopt the belief that you’re a victim is the moment you’ve relinquished absolute control over your life. Do you want to regain back control over your life? … Continue Reading

Denial – A Bad Habit’s Best Friend
“I shouldn’t focus on the negatives” or “it’s not that bad” are phrases people in denial tell themselves. While everyone alters reality in some fashion by interpreting events through personal biases addicts convince themselves that it is not them with … Continue Reading

Don’t Let Doubt Derail Your Recovery
Doubt is like a poison that’s seeps into your life. It whispers in your ear your not good enough or you’ll never recover. It gets under your skin. It sneaks up on you when you least expect it. Its a … Continue Reading

Trump Success – No Alcohol, No Drugs, No Cigarettes
Donald Trump lost his older brother Fred to alcohol abuse in the early 80’s. Fred Trump Jr. was only forty three years when he passed away. Seeing his brother suffer from the effects of alcoholism and smoking led to Donald … Continue Reading

Pride Prevents Change
Pride is negatively defined as an irrationally inflated sense of one’s personal status or accomplishments. Oftentimes people with significant levels of pride have actually never achieved anything, yet feel the world owes them everything. Pride renders us as unteachable thus … Continue Reading

The Healing Power of Faith
You can conquer any addiction with the healing power of faith. Faith will release God’s grace into your life. And we all need an abundance of grace in our lives. God wants our body and soul to prosper. God wants … Continue Reading

Recovery Is The Bridge Between Who You Were And Who You Are
Beating any addiction requires a lifestyle change. Some addictions need a complete lifestyle makeover. While others involve less radical actions. Both entail taking a journey and crossing a divide between who you were and what you will become. You need … Continue Reading

Take A Good Friend On Your Recovery Journey
Recovery is a lifelong journey. If people feel lonely on that journey they could begin to believe that life in recovery is not worth it. These feelings of loneliness can lead to relapse. Friendship is critical in the early stages … Continue Reading

If You’re Going Through Hell Don’t Stop
Battling any addiction is tough. That’s why people in recovery are some of the strongest people I know. They constantly say no to their desires. That takes fortitude. You may be in hell right now, but you don’t have to … Continue Reading

Ten Reasons To Choose Recovery
Because You Are Worth Fighting For! To Show Others Recovery Is Possible! To Stop Hating Yourself! To Find Happiness Again! So You Can Forgive Yourself & Forgive Others! To Move On With Your Life And Forget The Past! So You … Continue Reading