“I shouldn’t focus on the negatives” or “it’s not that bad” are phrases people in denial tell themselves. While everyone alters reality in some fashion by interpreting events through personal biases addicts convince themselves that it is not them with … Continue Reading
The Single Most Important Tool for Women
Women have been told for decades that they can have it all. The problem with this theory however, is that it means that women have to DO it all. There is a relationship between the two. More women as a … Continue Reading
Parents: It's Time to Say NO to your Children
I think as parents we condition ourselves at a very early age to never say NO to our children. Maybe it starts at that 2 year old temper tantrum phase, or maybe we are just afraid of the word ourselves, … Continue Reading
Send A NO today!
Stop and think for a second. Who do you know that needs to say NO to something in their lives? Do you know someone who spends too much, lies too much, eats too much, or is a computer vampire and … Continue Reading
How To Change Your Life With One Two-Letter Word
So many articles and blogs written on why say no and how to have the confidence and the ability to say it without guilt, yet as a society we still have such a hard time with that word. Think of … Continue Reading