NOvember Just Say No Challenge

The ‘NO’vember Challenge

November. The time of year where everyone starts to say yes and continues to do so for 2 months. Food, spending, alcohol, it’s all going to escalate for the coming holidays. This will result in weight gain, additional debt, and … Continue Reading

Find Your "Yes" By Saying No

It take effort and strength to say no to someone or something. But the rewards are truly remarkable for those who can say no. You only have so much time in each day. Saying no to the average or even … Continue Reading

You Have The Power To Say No

You have the power inside you to change your life. The moment you adopt the belief that you’re a victim is the moment you’ve relinquished absolute control over your life. Do you want to regain back control over your life? … Continue Reading

5 ways to stay healthy

Here are the 5 ways JUSTSAYNO stays healthy: 1)learn when to stop eating. When you feel satisfied, it is time to stop. Justsayno. You don’t need to eat until you feel full and uncomfortable. 2)Take a long walk after eating … Continue Reading