After the Beatles broke up in 1970 Ringo Starr turned to alcohol for nearly two decades to cover the pain. “I was mad” he told the Times of London. “I got lost in a haze of alcohol and drugs” he … Continue Reading
Relapse Is Just A Bruise, Not A Tattoo
Addiction experts note that relapse is not uncommon. The reality of recovery is that many people experience relapse at various points along the road to recovery. No doubt relapse hits you hard, but remember recovery is about progression not perfection. … Continue Reading
Recovery Is Not A Credit Card, It Has No Limits
When you choose recovery your choosing a life of unlimited potential. Addiction left unchecked limits everything in your life. Your finances, relationships, emotions, health, and spirituality are all maxed out. Your addiction consumes and spends it all. Only in recovery … Continue Reading
Toxic or True Friends? Recovery Reveals The Truth
For people struggling with an addiction, a healthy friendship can be instrumental in long term recovery. Just as a toxic relationship can easily lead to relapse. It is crucial for people in recovery to discern between those two types of … Continue Reading
Quit Fooling Yourself! Get Help & Get Sober
At some point you need to quit fooling yourself and get help. Until you admit you have a problem and face up to it, things will only get worse as you dive deeper into your addiction. Maybe you can “control” … Continue Reading
Don't Live In A Van Down By The River – Just Say No
In late 1997 American comedian Chris Farley died as the result of a drug overdose. His role as a motivational speaker on a SNL skit was truly hilarious. Hired by parents to inspire their children to seek excellence and stay … Continue Reading
Bradley Cooper Said No – So Can You
In August of 2004 Bradley Cooper got sober and has stayed sober. He even refused to use any stimulants in the physical transformation for his role in the movie American Sniper. A role in which he needed to beef up … Continue Reading
Rob Lowe Recovered – So Can You
This May actor Rob Lowe will celebrate 26 years of sobriety. An amazing accomplishment for the talented star who rarely said no in his early twenties. During his Brat Pack days he was known for womanizing, alcohol, and drugs. He … Continue Reading
Addiction Doesn't Care Who You Are
Addiction is no respector of people. In other words it doesn’t care who you are, where you came from, or how much money or fame you have. Rich or poor, black or white, educated or illiterate means nothing to addiction. … Continue Reading
Relax………Then Recover
The definition of the word relax is to make or become less tense or anxious. We know from research that stress triggers relapses so relaxation is essential to the recovery process. How do you relax? First you have to learn … Continue Reading