As a toddler we had no problem saying no. We said it all the time. Our ‘no’ muscle was ripped! But over time our friends, family, and powerful marketers convinced us that saying no was unpleasant. “Why say no when … Continue Reading

Habit Conquers Habit
Habits are learned human behaviors. They did not magically appear one night. You created them. That’s right, you are the creator of your habits. You’ve made both good habits and bad habits over the course of your lifetime. So how … Continue Reading

Revolutionary New Wonder Pill
Are having a problem saying no to phony friends? Kids driving you crazy? Spending your way to the poor house? Need help saying no to all those sweets and carbs? Is you boss walking all over you like a floor … Continue Reading

A Simple Formula To Help You Say Yes or No
Everyday we are faced with numerous decisions to make. Some are mundane and simple. Others are more important and potentially life changing. So how do you decide which path to take? Do you just roll the dice and see what … Continue Reading

Only 21 Days to Change Your Life
Isn’t twenty one days of sacrifice worth a lifetime of change? You’ve spent years perfecting your bad habits. You can break them in less than a month. It takes a minimum of twenty one days to change a behavior and … Continue Reading

Denial – A Bad Habit’s Best Friend
“I shouldn’t focus on the negatives” or “it’s not that bad” are phrases people in denial tell themselves. While everyone alters reality in some fashion by interpreting events through personal biases addicts convince themselves that it is not them with … Continue Reading
3 Ways To Say GoodBye To Bad Habits
So you woke up this morning and finally decided to drop your bad habit well; like a bad habit. That’s great news and a good start, unfortunately this is where it ends for most people. Studies show that less than … Continue Reading

Our Biggest Epidemic – Food Addiciton
Anyone who has followed me over the last year has heard me say on countless occasions that everyone is addicted to something. Sometimes that addiction is someone. Oftentimes it is something. For nearly 80 million Americans that something is food. … Continue Reading

Gandhi’s Advice on Saying No
Anti-War activist and independence leader Mahatma Gandhi knew how to say no. He was a master of simple living. You could say he created the “less is more” movement decades before it gained any prominence. He worn plain clothes, enjoyed … Continue Reading

It’s Ok To Say No
No matter how hard you try you can’t do everything. Yes you can do anything, just not everything. Love yourself enough to set limits and boundaries. You are allowed to put yourself first. Respect yourself enough to find the courage … Continue Reading